Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Unit T Big Question #2

How do the graphs of sine and cosine relate to each of the others?

Sin and cos graphs do not relate at all to the tangent and cotangent graphs. They are complete opposites. sine and cosine do not have asymptotes like tangent and cotangent. Tangent and cotangent do not use the sine and cosine graphs as references like the secant and cosecant  do. Sine and cosine's domains are all real numbers while tangent and cotangent's are limited. Tangent and cotangent's ranges are all real numbers while sine and cosine's are limited. Sin and cosines have amplitudes while tangent and cotangent do not. Sine and cosine have periods of 2pi while tangent and cotangent have periods of pi.

Secant and cosecant graphs, however, are directly related to sine and cosine graphs. Secant and cosecant graphs' shapes are based on their corresponding cosine and sine graphs. Secant and csc use sin and cos's amplitudes to plot certain points. Sec and csc use the x-intercepts of sin and cos's to draw out their asymptotes. Without these asymptotes, a sec or csc graph cannot be drawn.

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